I was a little concerned about reading this book because I thought it was going to try and teach me something. Also at first I found the simplicity of the style both irritating and patronising (not to me to the characters).
However it was an easy read and I ploughed on. Because of the simplicity I found the sadness to be very truthful whereas some books I feel are artificially 'tweaking' my emotions (normally 'poignant' in a book blurb will lead to that book being replaced on the shelf immediately)
Kumalo is the main character in the book and although he may be naïve and unworldly he is also dignified. Almost all of the characters in the book, both black and white, are kind and gentle and Paton doesn’t try to find an easy scapegoat.
This book is very different in style to the type of book I normally read and I can't say it was a pleasant read because I found it very sad but I'm very glad I read it.